28 Jun 2016

The development of the chokeless (anti-clogging) sink strainer

For the past 10 years, Dot Design has been developing and improving on the quality of their range of products. While the 2nd generation of products is a little defective – the surface of the plastic chrome will peel off after multiple uses. Although the strainer is still functional, a peeling chrome surface looks unprofessional. Therefore, with a new and improved 3rd generation, Dot Design will be using material from the automotive industry.

This high heat thermoplastic is able to withstand boiling water temperatures; it also feels more durable and is stain resistant. Even though it is possible to clean with some effort, the material used in the 2nd generation product still traps dirt. The material used in the 3rd generation product is a solid metallic silver colour that does not peel off. It also does not trap dirt and is stain resistant.

“Watch how this sink strainer lets water through even when it’s heavily blocked by all the food waste. Amazing product like I’ve never seen before!”

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