06 Apr 2017
Resource List #002
Promotional Gifts & Premiums
Why small businesses should include gift cards in their marketing strategy
Once the least popular gift in the industry, gift cards are now one of the most well-received gift.
Rebound seen for gift market
Thailand’s gift market industry sees an improving business as their economy grows.
Decline in corporate gifting this Chinese New Year
Thailand’s gift market industry sees an improving business as their economy grows
Marketing is an outdated practice, period.
As customers start demanding more and more from businesses, marketing has to be fully revised to keep up with the times and their customers.
What creativity in marketing looks like today
How marketing is being done is slowly being changed as marketers start focusing more of the outcome, rather than the input.
The case for marketing morality
How should marketing be done so that it comes off as morally right instead of being preachy?
Adobe overhauls digital marketing services with an eye on non-marketers
Adobe announced its new marketing software in Las Vegas where their most recent annual tech showcase was held.
5 Thinking about rebranding? First consider the 5 R’s of the branding spectrum
How do you decide if what your company or business needs is a total rebranding?
The art of branding and how to make a good company great
Branding is how businesses differentiate themselves from one another. The problem is, how to do it properly.
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