20 Apr 2017
Interview: Growing with Minifiglabs.com

With Minifig labs, just about anyone can design and print their very own minifigs!
Question (Q): Please tell us more about the products and services Fish and Toast offers.
Answer (A): Fish & Toast is a cross between a design studio and a local production workshop, creating one-of-a-kind gifts and products.
Q: How did the idea of Minifiglabs come about?
A: Minifiglabs.com is a service started by Fish & Toast that creates custom-printed LEGO® gifts.
Q: Why did Minifiglabs choose to focus on LEGO®?
A: Being fans of LEGO, we have always wanted to create our very own custom minifigures. So during one of our printing experiments in 2012, we successfully printed on multiple surfaces of a LEGO minifigure and launched minifiglabs.com to allow others to also create their unique minifigures.
Q: How has business been for Minifiglabs since its formation?
A: It has been a tough five years, and we have gained more experience and knowledge in our craft.
Q: Were there any particular challenges for Minifiglabs? i.e. changing of custom designs for customer’s satisfaction
A: The main challenge is in finding new and better ways to print. As minifigures are really tiny, we need to always improve our design and technical capability to produce the best results. It is also difficult to find people with the right skills and the enthusiasm for custom minifigures.
Q: Does Minifiglabs have a certain target market? If yes, are there any plans of expanding the target market? If not, are there any plans to start targeting a more specific audience?
A: We don’t have a particular target audience as our clients come from all kinds of industries. The beauty of the minifigures is that it can represent any industry based on what the character wears and the accessories they hold. Thus, there are no plans for targeting a specific audience
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