24 Apr 2017

Resource List #003

Promotional Gifts & Premiums

The ethics of corporate gifting: how not to get yourself in trouble
What and when do you give someone a gift in a corporate setting?

Singapore startup GiftMarket brings transparency to a corporate gift industry thirsting for trust
GiftMarket was started by three entrepreneurs who wanted to make the shopping experience for corporate gifts easier for everyone.

Master puzzle-cutter infuses corporate gift industry through hand-cut wooden business card and corporate logo puzzles
Master Woodworker Randy Crossman brings something new to the gift industry.

Gifts, not bribes: seven best corporate gifting practices for the holidays
What is considered a gift and what is considered a bribe? One needs to be able to differentiate between the two and act accordingly.


Which industry spends most on marketing?
A report by Deloitte, Duke The Florida School of Business and the American Marketing Association reveals which industry will see a rise in spending on marketing.

5 industries getting the most ROI from digital marketing
More and more businesses are using digital marketing. Among these industries, which ones are getting the most benefits from using digital marketing?

3 of the top opportunities and challenges for digital marketing in 2017
Peter Handy, CEO of Advantix Digital, discusses the future digital marketing trends and how to make use of them.


Four silent personal-branding mistakes you don’t realise you’re making
Nobody wants to lose potential clients unintentionally. Are you making these branding mistakes?

Colour in branding: what does it say about your industry?
All businesses have logos and brands to represent themselves. Find out which colours represent your brands accurately.

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