21 Mar 2018

Resource List #008


3 essential branding lessons from a rare Steve Jobs interview
Job’s work with legendary designer Paul Rand taught him lessons that any designer, client, or entrepreneur should take to heart.

Crucial branding trends for 2018
The emergence of every one of these trends has to do with flooded markets. Decades ago, there were only a few competing brands in every sector, and so, they could rely on price point, quality and other tangible factors to help them sell.

Today, there’s too much competition to get by so simply. Instead, consumers are looking for extra, in the form of personal experiences, social causes and more. And so, the brands that wish to compete will respond to those trends (born of consumer demands).

5 trends that will propel brands forward in 2018 and beyond
The dawn of a new golden age for marketers?

Artificial intelligence moved from hype to driving unprecedented personalisation. Companies began breaking down silos, recognising that delivering a connected consumer experience requires teams working together. The past year was also paramount for data management, with companies tapping insights to better understand consumer behaviour.


Branding and marketing: Why both are crucial for success
When it comes to your business, it is important to build reputation and identity in order to send out the right image to current and prospective customers. Marketing is a term often thrown around when businesses are trying to sell a product or service, but how many companies fully understand what marketing is and how it differs from your brand?

Have you considered using blockchain as part of your marketing?
The digital age is upon us, and it is unsparing in its reach. Every aspect of a company needs innovating in order for the organisation as a whole to stay ahead of the competition.

Understanding how millennials respond to your marketing efforts
How do you market to a generation that lives and works differently than any other generation before it? That’s the challenge that digital marketers are currently facing when it comes to grabbing the attention of the generation known as Gen Y, the selfie generation, the always-on generation or, the term most commonly used, millennials.

The Generation X is characterised by its strong work ethic, sound decision making and stability. Those qualities made marketing to Gen Xers easy. Millennials, on the other hand, have left marketers wondering how to grab the attention of a population that has their heads stuck in their electronic devices. But what seems to be a social faux pas is actually an asset in marketing.

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