18 Apr 2018

Resource List #009


Sky’s smart way to deliver TV ads
Sky’s AdSmart targeted audience technology has delivered almost 60 Irish campaigns across 30 advertisers since its launch last May. The idea behind AdSmart is to make TV ads more relevant for brands that may not have used TV up to now. Sky Media Ireland’s new sales director Malcolm Murray told AdLib that one in four AdSmart users in the Republic were new to TV.

AdSmart allows various ads to be shown in different households watching the same show. It allows Irish brand owner to advertise on national channels, but to segmented audiences – opening TV to niche brands, SMEs and location-specific advertisers. Clients cherry-pick their audiences using combinations of geographical and lifestyle characteristics.

How compelling storytelling can help you build a heritage brand
You no longer need a legacy of years of brand equity. You just need brand equity, itself. Heritage storytelling is a way to get there.

Businesses are always looking for ways to set themselves apart. While unique products, innovative services and other distinguishing factors play a role, branding is what typically fosters a unique identity.

The Dos and Don’ts of building a brand identity (Part 1)
Creating a brand identity is more than just your logo. A brand identity is visual and emotional and communicates relevance and trustworthiness. Building an effective brand identity takes years of hard work and perpetual tweaking, but is necessary for the success of your company.

The Dos and Don’ts of building a brand identity (Part 2)
Your brand is the core of your outward-facing identity, in my experience, so it’s important to understand the implications and circumstances in which it will be used. Your brand is meant to highlight your company and be consistent with the way you think and speak about your company. The last thing you want is for your brand to distract your business.

Gothic or Helvetica? For brands, fonts help tell a story
Font style, size, shape, thickness, colour, and depth all tell a story.

“The typeface is an expression of the tone of voice,” Mr. Abbot said.

Experts say the right fonts can help brands stand out in a competitive market. But they need to know who they’re targeting and what they want to say.

The best weapon in the war for talent may be your brand
Most companies invest heavily in compensation and benefits to win the wat for talent, neglecting their best weapon – their brand.


Do not dump: Make your marketing strategy story-based, not fact based
The world has changed. Businesses used to be able to buy customer attention. Now they must earn customer attention. Going forward, if brands are going to succeed, they need to be able to create experiences for their customers that are worthy of the customers’ time. And that means telling compelling stories.

5 marketing strategies used to build a 9-figure fitness company and what marketers can learn
Dropping out of college to start his first business, Supplement Superstore, with a friend, Frisella didn’t take in more than $200 a day for his first 8 months. It took 7 years to make more than $695 in a month. Today, Frisella is the CEO of a family of brands that brings in more than $175 million a year in revenue.

How did he get there? Marketing plays a key role in the story. Here are 5 marketing strategies from Andy Frisella.

Four ways to personalise your next marketing campaign
What is personalised marketing? It starts with knowing your customers – who they are, what they’re interested in, how they shop and what they buy. Over the years, we have seen the benefits first-hand. Personalisation increases engagement, drives leads and makes customers happy. Do it right and they’ll reward you with more attention, more trust and more purchases. Now, herse are a few ways to align your strategies and market to your customers on a more personal level.

How to effectively reach your audience through offline marketing
A decade ago, deciding which marketing media to invest in was simpler and the outlets far fewer. You basically went offline, online or a combination of both. Now, with more platforms and distractions, brands need to be smarter and more strategic about their targeting to reach the same audience size that they previously did.

More often, it’s become apparent that the smartest marketers will take an omnichannel approach that includes a variety of best-in-class and strategy-appropriate digital techniques and traditional tools. The role of TV is changing, yes, but it still represents a strong marketing medium. Here are three reasons why.

Marketing in the age of instrumentation
Marketing has come a long way from its “Mad Men” depiction of how an advertising executive team conducts business. It used to be primarily an art form where creative descriptions and briefs were built to influence the customer toward your way of thinking. After an advertisement ran, it took a long time to judge its impact.

Today, the world has changed. We are in the age of instrumentation, in which we are instrumenting every interaction with prospects and potential customers. Whole industries have been created to help facilitate this journey, from marketing automation engines to CRM systems and the ecosystems around these products. But what does this mean for CMOs?

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