13 Jun 2018
Resource List #011
Thinking outside the branding box: 10 creative ways to boost business exposure
With 81% of shoppers conducting online research before making a big purchase, the image your brand projects can make all the difference between getting their business or losing them to a competitor. You want your brand to inspire confidence and present you as an authority in your niche - an expert that customers will trust implicitly when purchasing your product or service.
11 branding tips for a better company image
When it comes to branding, most people think about logos and colours. But branding is about more than just recognisability. It’s about the impact that you have on a customer and how it sends a message. The first impression can say a lot about a company, its values and what it does. Entrepreneurs should be thinking about the unintended impacts of branding.
Branding: working from the inside out
Getting employees on board through ‘internal branding’ reaps business rewards.
Most people think of marketing as a process focused externally on consumers - trying to increase sales and customer numbers. However, there is another important ‘market’: your employees, or your ‘internal brand’.
Six reasons branding is more important than ever before
Branding gives your audience a clear sense of purpose and direction - a credible voice that people want to listen to.
On branding: It’s good to be top brand king but tough to keep the crown
At the turn of this century, Budweiser was the No. 1 beer brand in the United States. The self-proclaimed King of Beers had ruled for decades, but its reign was about to end. In 2001, the king was surpassed by its own spinoff, Bud Light, and in 2011 it was knocked to third place by Coors Light.
Man + Machine: People are always going to be needed
It seems like the world is getting smarter around us. Technologies seem to know what we are going to do before we do it. Our phones know what restaurants are nearby. Our computers know just what we have been thinking about buying. Even our TVs and Kindles know what we want next to entertain us.
From digital marketing to marketing in the digital world
We’ve all heard the marketing industry is evolving at a breakneck speed. I actually think its consumers that are doing the evolving. As marketers, we are just trying to keep up.
Today’s consumers value meaningful engagement, which can’t be copied or faked. They crave authenticity and social awareness. They are attracted to ethical, responsible, and sustainable businesses. In other words, they’re seeking more of a relationship from the brands they choose to support.
Marketers must unite to make marketing an exciting career option to young people
Failure to celebrate marketing will result in young people overlooking the wealth of opportunity a careers in marketing can offer.
A concerted, cross industry effort to sell the virtues of marketing to school and university students is required if brands are to avoid a future recruitment problem, according to a panel of senior marketing executives and academic experts.
Millennials: shaping the future of marketing
Move over, Gen X and Baby Boomers.
Long criticised by their predecessors for being entitled and pampered, the “Strawberry Generation” has become an important market segment. The 90’s kids of yesteryear are increasingly becoming decision makers at major corporations.
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