27 Jun 2018

Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns

What is marketing?

According to the business dictionary, marketing, simply put, is the management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer.

Marketing gives consumers the knowledge and chance to choose between brands and their competitors.

The purpose of marketing allows for capturing the attention of your target market, facilitating purchasing decisions, and providing a specific call-to-action.

Why do we need marketing campaigns?

Millennials expect an experience.
(Source: Business)

Writing and researching for your marketing plan gives you the chance to:

When you develop your plan, you’ll set targets and milestones which can help you to:

A good marketing plan could potentially change the world.

Here are some successful marketing campaigns:

Nike: Just Do It
Launched in 1988, Nike’s “Just do it” remains relevant 30 years on.

(Source: Branding Strategy Insider)

Always: #LikeAGirl Campaign

(Source: Campaign Live)

Dove: Real Beauty Campaign

(Source: Huffington Post)

Use of social media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat, and YouTube also play a large part in marketing. Social media allows brands to reach a wider range of audience, from all over the world. It’s fast, easy, convenient, and guaranteed to work.

With social media, audience engagement rate goes up with the availability of live videos, reactions, polls, comments, and shares. It allows for real-time commentary and experience.

How to create a good marketing campaign

Here’s 9 simple steps that will ensure the success of your marketing campaign:

(Source: The Balance Small Business)

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