04 Jul 2018
Interview: Making Life Easier with YTS Services (iwantCUSTOMGIFT)
This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Questions (Q): Would you like to give our readers a brief introduction of YTS Services (IWANTCUSTOMGIFT)?
Answer (A): iwantCUSTOMGIFT is an innovative corporate gifts supplier which produces products that are practical and impressive to our clients. iwantCUSTOMGIFT is about developing unique and innovative products at affordable prices.
While bags are our forte, we can source for gifts that India specialises in such as handicrafts products. These are niche gift items that will stand in a crowd of similar looking products. These serve as utility items while being decorative. Our metal hand crafted candle holders can be customised with company logo and can serve as pen stands for example.
Q: How did you come up with the idea of your two new products - World Smallest Wireless Mouse and World Smallest Power bank With Selfie?
A: We realised that many customers want to use gadgets that are convenient and practical. Hence, developing smart technological products that possesses practical and unique functions in the smallest size would allow them to be able to have access at anytime and anywhere. We want our users to enjoy the products at their convenience without hassle and constraints.
Q: Why do you think being “World’s Smallest” would be the attractive feature to buyers?
A: Everyone wants to go out carrying the least number of items and avoid bulky products when they travel and commute. Therefore, we believe that developing the world’s smallest product will allow them to bring the gadgets out with minimum hassle and maximum productivity.
Even though the products are the world’s smallest, their functions are not compromised and are improved to meet the needs of the users. In that case, we believe that they will be able to enjoy a new and improved product suitable for any occasion.
Q: Could you describe the process of coming up with the 1st wireless Travel Adaptor Power bank?
Share with our readers some of the experiences they should expect with the 3-in-1 function of the wireless Travel Adaptor Power bank.
A: We wanted an ultimate product that can solve everyone’s problem. Realising that most users usually bring a travel adapter, wall plug, power bank and various USB cables along with them while travelling, we decided to put all of that into one product. This gadget would allow users to charge up to 4 configurations, compatible for use in up to 150 countries.
Many of our users have shared positive experiences on how they can now travel at ease with just a single product. They have also given us ideas to further innovate this product while maintaining our main focus of allowing users to travel and commute at ease with just a single gadget.
Q: How do you think these products are going to fare with the ever-changing trends of the society?
A: iwantCUSTOMGIFT is always coming up with new products alongside iSMART (www.thesmarterwaytolife.com) to combat problems we face in our daily lives. Although we believe that it can be very difficult to come up with a perfect product that can solve every single problem, we are always willing to listen to the customers’ feedback and innovate new smart products for the society.
Q: What are some of the factors you look out for when coming up with and creating new products?
A: I believe that with complaints and issues faced by users, comes an innovative plan to come up with smart products that can improve our daily lives.
Q: Is there any product you would classify as impossible or what was the most interesting and bizarre new product your client have requested you to come up with?
A: There has been talk about how students carry heavy school bags that lack smart features, making going to school inconvenient and uncomfortable. We have gotten requests from schools to design and feature a bag that can help solve that weight issue.
We are currently in the midst of designing a bag that can not only combat the heaviness from books, but also to counter slouching back problems. On top of that, the bag will also include pockets and compartments that can protect belongings from rain and other external weather conditions. We are also looking into giving our users a compartment where they can organise and do many things with this smart bag.
Visit our booth at SGPFair to find out more about this Special Smart Counter Weight Bag!
Q: If you could use just one word to describe and sell your brand to potential clients, what word would it be?
A: Innovative
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