28 Mar 2019
Resource List #013
4 ways emerging tech will redefine content marketing
A lot of consumers spend much of their day engaging with digital content across various platforms, devices, and channels. That level of online engagement is expected to continue to rise, especially with the explosion of emerging technologies, which paints a picture of a world where digital content is everywhere. The upshot? Companies will need to completely redefine what qualifies as content and evolve their content marketing strategies accordingly.
Apple’s big service launches hold few opportunities for marketers
Marketers should keep an eye on adoption as Apple offers a solid alternative to ad-supported internet content in text, images, games and video. While Apple’s big event Monday didn’t disappoint when it came to glitz, glamour or even new offerings, services like Apple News+, Apple Card, Apple Arcade and Apple TV+ will be largely, if not wholly, ad-free. Marketers looking for new distribution and subscription revenue for their magazines, games or video content may have come away pleased, however.
Personal branding advice you must ignore
“Personal branding is not about being famous, it’s about being selectively famous”
Experts share all sorts of advice to help career-minded professionals build their brand. Amongst all the useful ones, there are others that will probably do more harm to your career than boost it. Here is a list that you should most probably ignore and not heed.
Lazada shows off marketing prowess, adds branding capabilities for merchants
In line with its seventh anniversary, Lazada is firing up its marketing prowess with the push of LazMalls and “Super eBusinesses” across Southeast Asia. The offerings, dubbed super-solutions, are aimed at resolving three pain points that brands and sellers face – branding, marketing, and sales.
Marketers must get closer to supply chain or risk long-term brand damage
As supply chains come under greater scrutiny from consumers, marketers will be on the frontline of any backlash if they fail to truly understand how their product is made. As consumers become increasingly conscious of the cost of fast fashion, their plastic consumption and the looming threat of climate change, they are looking for brands to take a stand and show some leadership.
Promotional Merchandise
How we talk about promotional products: Why language matters
In an age where garbagemen are called “sanitation engineers” and secretaries are “executive assistants,” why do we insist on belittling our industry by saying we’re in the tchotchke business, or that we do promotional giveaways or swag? It’s time to blow up much of the nomenclature that is used by others—and by us—to describe what we do.
How promo products carry on in the digital age
Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology has crossed paths with promotional products, and it’s really exciting! With the addition of NFC technology to promotional products, the possibilities are near limitless. It gives new life to the industry, and you’ll quickly see why. First, let’s start off by defining what exactly NFC technology is.
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