14 May 2021
Resource List #021: Build Back Better: How the world intends to do so
First coined in relation to disaster recovery at the 2015 UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan, its broad definition can be applied to a variety of situations and right now, having lived under the shadows of COVID-19 for more than a year, we have to be prepared for a laborious road to recovery with more twists and turns ahead. And perhaps, we can start by building back better.
Singapore resets: How to build back better after Covid-19
Commentary: Funding Singapore’s major infrastructure projects a tricky business
Budget to 'build back better'; a pathway to sustainability
Sustainable resilience
“...But more than just going green, it is also about making sure that Singapore's economy and its businesses builds resilience in a sustainable manner. This transformation can also lead to as yet undiscovered opportunities with new skills, new industries and new intangible properties anchored around sustainability.
Greener grids
“Under the Singapore Green Plan 2030, the city also plans to be the location for both global and local companies to develop innovation capabilities around sustainability for Asia through research and development.(...) They say that it is during times of deep crisis that new norms can emerge. In many ways, there is no better time to rethink, reimagine and transform.
Are we building back better?
To answer the above question, not yet.
Despite positive fiscal steps towards a sustainable COVID-19 recovery from a few leading nations, the world has so far fallen short of matching widespread aspirations to “build back better” with action. However, given the continuing nature of the pandemic and associated economic handbrake, opportunities to spend wisely on recovery are not yet over. (...)
By urgently prioritising long-term economic, social, and environmental objectives, nations can demonstrate their ability to build forward better.
Evidence from 2020 and Pathways to Inclusive Green Recovery Spending,
UN Environment Programme
Businesses Can (and Should) Help the World “Build Back Better” in the Era of COVID-19
What does ‘Build Back Better’ mean for Small Businesses?
Build Back Better is part of our envisage series designed to inspire and educate the GOP (Gifts Office Print) community and help you make informed decisions as we set change in motion.
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