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Market effectively at SGPFair!
Build hype and entice visitors!
Send e-invitations
Invite your associates, business partners, and your entire database to visit your booth by sending them an e-invitation! Haven’t got your email invite yet?
Add the SGPFair event banner to your email signature
Add banners to your email signatures, website, etc. and link them to our events page to make attending SGPFair easy for your buyers.

Download Now:
Use social media
Announce your participation at SGPFair using #SGPFair2016
Attract visitors to your booth at SGPFair!
You have your space, we’ve gathered the buyers,
now make the most out of it!

Stand out from the crowd!
Special promotions, exclusive deals and booth activities.
Let us know if you have any!

Walking around with a company slogan and logo isn't tacky, it actually brings more mileage for your brand!
Be in the running for the Best Booth Design Award!
A good theme will definitely help you stand out from the crowd and draw in visitors! Judging Criteria:

Creativity / Originality of the booth design and how it complements the products / services exhibited
Compliance of the rules & regulations, including the submission of designs for approval and performance bond
Have employees in the booth who've been trained to be knowledgeable about the products you are selling. Attendees often walk the floor slowly. If approached aggressively, or if ignored, they tend to leave. A non-threatening approach like "How is the show?" will probably work.
You will be provided with business card collection boxes, but why not do more? Be sure to write any follow-up info on the back of the visitor’s business card or have your own tracking system. Things like “took catalogue”, “ordered”, “call in two weeks”— any information that will assist you in a prompt follow-up after the show.

Invest in good signage and props that you will be able to use over and over again
Prepare enough marketing brochures, price lists, product samples, etc.
Be generous! Give out some freebies / product samples. As an SGPFair exhibitor, show-off what you can do with your own products. Plus, people always love freebies
Printing your own collaterals? An important note to get it right!

Singapore Gifts & Premiums Fair (SGPFair) 2016
Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre
Hall B & C
29 June till 1 July, Wednesday - Friday
Official Printer
A gentle reminder - Refine Printing is our Official Printer for SGPFair 2016. Should you require any printing services for the show, you may contact them at the details below.

Refine Printing Pte Ltd
87 Defu Lane 10 #04-01
Singapore 539219
Tel: (65) 6282 7734 / 9639 8436
Fax: (65) 6282 5406
Contact: Mr Leonard Lim
Email: [email protected]
New Official Manpower Agency
Please note that there is a change of Official Manpower Agency for the exhibition on 29 June - 1 July 2016. The new booking form is now downloadable from the online Exhibitor Manual. Alternatively, you may contact them at the details below.

Temp-Team Pte Ltd
Attn. Ms Melissa Lee
Tel: (65) 6645 4884
Fax: (65) 6221 7317
Email: [email protected]
At BizLink, we are fully committed to provide you with utmost quality services and to continue to bring SGPFair to greater heights!
You are receiving this email because you have attended the previous editions of
Singapore Gifts & Premiums Fair or requested information from BizLink Exhibition Services Pte Ltd.

Download Brochure Reserve your space View SGPFair Gallery 2015