SGPFair - Entering Its Glorious 15th Year
SGPFair is Singapore’s pioneer and most established trade show showcasing promotional, corporate, incentive and retail gifts. Celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2014, ride on the event’s proven track records!
As Singapore's most successful and largest trade show of its kind, an extensive array of exhibits will be on display. Follow us for updates!
SGPFair (新加坡礼品与赠品展) 是本地历史最悠久和先驱的贸易展。此展示包括促销品、公司赠品、奖励和零售礼品。 即将在 2014 年欢庆 15 周年的 SGPFair 邀请您的参与,与我们共同延续辉煌的成绩!